Official website of Malta Crown International Boarding School in Malta
Официальный сайт Международной школы-пансиона Malta Crown на Мальте

British English Olympics от Oxford International. День 4.


This is the day! Сегодня особенный день! С самого утра абсолютно все команды при полном параде. Официальная церемония открытия British English Olympics 2019 ознаменовала начало соревнований. Сама церемония - это целое событие. Перед ребятами выступили представители Oxford International и менеджмента British English Olympics. Представители команд разных стран поднимались на сцену с приветственной речью. В своей речи учащиеся "Malta Crown" постарались отразить особенности своей школы-пансиона.

После приветствий каждой из команд звучали официальные гимны всех стан-участниц British English Olympics. Наши ребята с гордостью держали флаг Российской Федерации во время исполнения гимна своей страны.

Приветственная речь команды "Malta Crown"

"... There are 11 of us in our team. We are all from Russia, actually, from different parts of it, from Moscow and St Petersburg to Siberia. But we are all students of Russian Boarding School "Malta Crown". It is called so because it is a Russian school but situated in Malta. We represent that part of Russia, I guess, the biggest country in the world, studying in Malta, a small beautiful island in the Mediterranean Sea. 

But we are a Russian school, so our roots and our hearts will always belong to our motherland, no matter how far away we may venture...

... At "Malta Crown School" during the first half of the day we follow the Russian curriculum and prepare for our state exams, whilst after Iunch we study English. After dinner we do sports, have art or music lessons, drama, and a whole lot of other fun activities - never a dull moment! But our school is no ordinary hub of knowledge and creativity, it is also our home. It's a boarding school of fewer than 50 students and we all live, eat, study and grow together. We learn how to count, read and write; but we also learn life lessons-how to share, how to be a good 
friend, how to help others... In our school friendship is not defined by age, gender or religion. As cliche as it may sound, we really are one big family under one roof. And we go through life together, from the classroom to various outings, days at the beach to cosy movie nights in!

... We are very happy to be here. We spend most of our lives between Malta and Russia but many of us are also avid travellers. We are not here to simply compete, 
though healthy competition is good fun; we are also here to broaden our 
horizons, to see new places in this glorious country, make new friends and of course, showcase our abilities too. The world becomes a much smaller place 
when you know people in every corner of it, so we are delighted to learn about your cultures and countries, as we tell you a bit about our own, wonderful and vast nation. We eagerly look forward to these fun days, outings, competitions and especially the on-site activities!"